memory b cell造句
- A splenectomy also results in a greatly diminished frequency of memory B cells.
- Germinal center B cells may differentiate into memory B cells or plasma cells.
- Memory B cells can proliferate to produce more memory cells or plasma B cells.
- Memory B cells capable of producing these antibodies form the basis for acquired immunological memory.
- The largest methylation difference is between the stages of germinal center B cells and memory B cells.
- In addition Cervarix induced twice as many memory B cells as Gardasil for both these HPV strains.
- About 10 % of plasma cells survive to become long-lived antigen-specific memory B cells.
- This could be due to the preferential survival of long-lived memory B cells producing homotypic antibodies.
- On the second infection when that same viruses antigens are present the memory B cells recognize this virus.
- Memory B cells and memory T cells are responsible for a swift response to a second encounter with a foreign molecule.
- It's difficult to see memory b cell in a sentence. 用memory b cell造句挺难的
- When this happens, the altered virus preferentially reactivates previously activated high-affinity memory B cells and spur antibody production.
- A splenectomy ( removal of the spleen ) also causes asplenia and results in a greatly diminished frequency of memory B cells.
- Memory B cells are required to maintain long-term immunity; these are absent in the fetus and new-born.
- The B cells either change into memory B cells, or create plasma cells that secrete the newly changed antigens . 4.
- This causes a much larger response from these memory B cells compared to the first response of the B cells . 5.
- MiRNAs influence B cell maturation, generation of pre-, marginal zone, follicular, B1, plasma and memory B cells.
- In general, people with CVID display higher frequencies of naive B cells and lower frequencies of class-switched memory B cells.
- If you lose a lot of blood, will you also lose the immunological memory contained in those memory B cells you lost?
- Since there was a much larger response from the Memory B cells this causes more plasma cells to be produced as a response.
- File : Memory B cell response . svg | Memory B cell response on first, and second infections of a virus . 1.
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